Vehicle accidents often occur unexpectedly, inducing stress and disruption. Even the most cautious drivers can find themselves entangled in such situations. In the unfortunate event of an injury during an accident, our commitment lies in swiftly restoring your peace of mind. We collaborate with experienced attorneys to oversee your case and diligently document your injuries. There’s potential for you to access comprehensive care without incurring upfront expenses.

Harnessing over a decade of combined expertise in handling vehicle accident cases, we offer the following guidance for navigating these perilous circumstances.

  • Should you find yourself in an accident, strive to maintain composure. Your immediate priority is securing prompt medical attention. If you possess a mobile phone, dial 911, or signal nearby vehicles or pedestrians to do so.
  • Assess the well-being of fellow passengers in your vehicle. Methodically scan the surroundings to gauge the extent of injuries sustained by others.
  • Remain attentive to accident specifics. Whenever possible, record notes about the incident, encompassing details like time, location, and the sequence of events. This should encompass not just involved drivers but also witnesses capable of corroborating your account. Gather vital information including license plate numbers, names, addresses, and contact numbers.
  • Collaboration is of utmost importance. Upon the arrival of EMS personnel, avoid assuming that you’re uninjured; adhere to their instructions. When law enforcement arrives, furnish an accurate depiction of the incident. Refrain from relocating your vehicle or any potential evidence.
  • Promptly inform your insurance provider. In the aftermath of a collision, it’s vital to initiate contact with your insurance company within a 14-day timeframe for injury reporting and claim initiation. Our medical practitioners aren’t bound by this 14-day restriction and extend treatment as required, spanning weeks or even months.
  • Secure a copy of the police report. Should you opt to pursue a claim against the responsible party, the police report serves as crucial substantiation. Our facilities extend treatment to victims as well as those deemed at fault.
  • Initiate contact with us and expedite appointment scheduling. This step holds immense significance. You require a reliable Chiropractic Physician to safeguard your interests and meticulously document your injuries.
  • Drawing upon over twenty years of collective experience, we specialize in managing Florida motor vehicle accident cases, spanning the spectrum from minor to severe injuries. Our team of Chiropractic Physicians collaborates with skilled Medical Doctors and Diagnostic Centers to precisely document and diagnose your injuries, along with the incident’s particulars.
  • If you or your loved ones have suffered injuries due to a Motor Vehicle Accident, kindly complete our Contact Form or call us for additional insights and to arrange a confidential consultation, free of charge.